The school aims to be an eye-opening learning experience for high school students in Romania with great academic potential and limited financial means.
We follow the INSPIRE-ENGAGE-MENTOR model:
We expose participants to a variety of crucial topics, from the future of driverless cars and particle physics to ethical dilemmas and fake news. They learn how to design their own 3D airplanes, section DNA from strawberries, decipher an endangered language or calculate the age of the universe.
Each step is an opportunity to encounter new perspectives, question beliefs and get inspired. Students are encouraged to speak freely (both in Romanian and English), think critically and work on their own projects and career plans.
The project gained a life of its own, supported by motivated volunteers, generous sponsors and enthusiastic alumni. The summer school led to six student-run projects on topics like health education, applied sciences, creativity and education for career and life.
What started as an idea in a living room became a strong community of over 90 alumni and 40 volunteers who collaborate beyond borders to multiply opportunities for professional development, civic engagement, and equality of chances.
The results show that the programme overcame everyone’s expectations and as a result, participants:
have higher aspirations;
found a platform to sustain the transition from the current to their desired reality;
are more self-confident and motivated;
study independently more;
are more civically engaged.
When and how?
In 2019 the school takes place between 24 August and 1 September.
All costs (transportation, accommodation, food and educational resources) are covered through scholarships sponsored by organisations, companies and individuals based in the UK and Romania, as well as by donors from all over the world.